Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Kaeden and Jeff woke me up by bringing me a present - an opal ring, which is Kaeden's birthstone. Then, I told Jeff that I wanted to sleep in, so he took Kaeden and they went hiking up Kootenai. I stayed in bed until 10:45 - how delightful! When they got back from their hike, we went cruising around in the woods - first up Ambrose, back to town for a cheeseburger, and then up 3 Mile. Then, we came home and Daddy BBQ'd for us! It was a wonderful day. I got SO spoiled, reality on Monday was tough! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Jeff, sounds like you had a great day! You definitely deserive it. Happy Mother's Day.
